Past Preparation for Present Promise

A Letter From The Pastor

The St. Mark MBC family has sought, over the last 10 years, to know and do the will of God concerning His purpose. As a church, our desire is to effectively be led by Holy Spirit, as it pertains to Kingdom Building.

Throughout this journey of faith, we have shared a vision and determined, by His grace, to build a sanctuary of worship that will enable us to attract as many people as possible to Jesus Christ. Together with architects and church planners, we have developed and presented a master plan for this vision. We are sharing a piece of that plan, which I believe is The Master’s Plan for our new sanctuary of worship.

In this process we have sensed and seen the hand of God move. He has directed our steps. The incredible lay people who have worked untold hours on this project now present to our congregation a bold plan which glorifies God and offers an unprecedented opportunity for the church now, and generations to come.

My heart is overflowing with praise as the vision becomes clearer and brighter. Together we can build a lighthouse for the lost and a greenhouse for the saved.

We are not merely establishing a physical foundation, but we are fulfilling the call to provide a spiritual foundation for the glory of God. We can only continue to minister effectively by making provisions for the thousands who are yet to be reached for Christ. The proposed building is not a monument but an instrument for God’s church, to be used in fulfilling the need to draw all people to Christ.

This is a defining moment and will set in motion the development of the project. Please examine the contents of this proposal carefully and then prayerfully commit your own life in faith to becoming a vital part of what our great God is about to do in our midst. We need every member of the church to joyfully participate and share in the victory of these days. Through it all, please remember these words of Scripture: “Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21


Pastor D. E. Green, Sr.


Where Are We Moving?

Our new location will be 300 Martin Luther King Drive, Benton Harbor, MI 49022. The church will be easily accessible from I-94, Benton Harbor, and the surrounding area, with ample parking.

View of the proposed Sanctuary of Worship, going north on M-139, in Benton Harbor, Michigan.
How Does Giving Work?

Our Capital Campaign will last for 36 months. You may chose to make a commitment and give biweekly, monthly, or annually. Once you have made your commitment, you will receive quarterly updates on giving and on the project. You will also receive tax statements at the end of each year.

Why Should I Give?

Our goal is to be a shining light in the community of Benton Harbor, MI. In order to do so, we must have a physical and spiritual foundation to house our church family. Our temporary financial gifts and pledges can never be compared to the ultimate gift given at the cross, but it can allow for someone else to be the recipient. Your giving will be a direct blessing to both present and future believers.

How Can I Give?

We ask that you prayerfully consider what God is calling you to give. Complete your commitment card with your personal information and your pledge, and return the card to the church.